Friday, 22 February 2013

The effect of domestic violence on children in the context of child protection

The effect of domestic violence on children in the context of child protection


Neglect, a category of child maltreatment that is inescapably linked to conditions of poverty and is the most common reason families are brought to the attention of child welfare agencies in Canada. However, also very prevalent are the lack of social supports, mental health problems, and particularly important but often overlooked, is the exposure to domestic violence (Davies, Krane, Collings & Wexler, 2007). In fact, “there is “extensive evidence that children of all ages are found to be affected by exposure to domestic violence” (Lewin, Abdrbo, & Burant, 2010, P. 129).
Mental health also plays an important factor in family violence and there are many peripheral effects on children. “The negative effects of depression on parenting have been well documented and include lower attachment security, social-emotional problems, diminished child well-being, lower adaptive functioning, and child behavioral problems (Lewin et al. 2010, P 129). In addition, when parental drug or alcohol misuse co-exists with domestic violence there is a dramatic increase in the serious adverse effects on children in the home in all aspects of their lives. (Devaney, 2008, p 450)
Domestic violence critically affects children an almost every aspect of their lives. “Over time, a childhood history of family violence heightens the risk for impairments in emotional and behavioral functioning.” (Becker, Mathis, Mueller, Issari & Atta, 2008, p. 188).  Research consistently shows that children living with domestic violence have much higher rates of depression and anxiety, trauma symptoms and behavioural and cognitive problems, experiencing physical or sexual abuse, maladaptive behaviours in adulthood and risk for alcohol abuse and drug abuse (Devaney, 2008,), (Lewin et al. 2010), (English, Marshall & Stewart, 2003). Furthermore Domestic violence increases likely hood of incidence involving Child protective services and likelihood of child placement in foster care (English, et al.).
“Among “preschoolers (25–59 months) who were exposed to household violence, investigators found significant links among child behavior problems, marital violence, higher maternal stress, and impaired quality of the mother-child relationship” (Lewin et al. 2010, Pg 129)
The relationship between exposure to domestic violence in childhood is linked to low self esteem, social withdrawal, aggression, violence, and delinquency and  higher levels of externalizing and internalizing behavior problems in adolescence (Moylan, Herrenkohl, Sousa, Tajima, Herrenkohl & Russo, 2010), (English, Marshall & Stewart, 2003).
A study of children with “concurrent exposure was found to have lower scores in math, reading, and general knowledge, along with poorer self-control and interpersonal skills” (Lewin et al. 2010, p. 129). Additional studies show that different forms of family violence often do co-occur, and that children who exposed to violence in the home are often are abused as wells as exposed to a variety of other risk factors known to increase internalizing and externalizing behaviors in adolescence yet rarely are these risk factors taken into account when in child protection matters (Moylan, et al. 2010).
Several studies have also found that “children were twice as likely to be physically abused by mothers or fathers" in households where there was battering and domestic violence (English, et al. 2003 p. 43). In addition, “between 45% and 75% of women in domestic violence shelters report that their children experienced one or more forms of maltreatment (English, et al.).
Domestic violence is now a recognised form of child abuse in parts of Australia and has become one of the most common reasons for notifying child protection services which has put enormous pressure on such organizations to ensure they respond appropriately (Potito, Day, Carson & O'Leary, 2009) and yet a “growing body of research informed literature has highlighted professional ignorance and avoidance of the issue of domestic violence within practice” (Devaney, 2008, p. 444).
Studies show that domestic violence on its own does not typically lead to intervention but rather, child protection agencies tend to act on other forms of maltreatment and other environmental risk factors instead. Ironically, spousal abuse is associated with an increase in individual and family problems, however the lack of any link between domestic violence and ongoing child protection services is quite surprising (Lavergne, Damant, Clément, Bourassa, Lessard, & Turcotte, 2011)
It is now commonly accepted that child abuse and domestic violence often co-occur in the same families (Potito, et al. 2009 p. 370) and  we can help protect children by understanding that there is an overlap between domestic violence and child sexual abuse by the same perpetrator (Kelly &, Mullender, 2000). As children are more affected by co-occurring domestic violence and maltreatment, it is important that the link between domestic violence and other family problems are taken into account at the crucial stage in initial child protection cases or they will not be taken into account when the casework is developed either. One study revealed that domestic violence was reported in close to 25% of risk situations and yet, fewer than 10% of casework plans contained references to domestic violence. By not addressing domestic violence in the casework plan the child’s likelihood of re-entry into the child protection system increases dramatically (Lavergne et al. 2011)

Family /Mothers /Fathers

In another recent study of 111 women over 30% of mothers reported the accidental injury of a child during a domestic violence incident, over 25% described the intentional injury of a child by an abusive partner during the child’s attempt to intervene to stop the abuse and 25% of the mothers reported their children were made to watch them as they were being physically or sexually assaulted. Child protection agencies report that domestic violence is involved in well over half of 50% of child protection cases of the known 156 children in New South Wales who died in 2007 (Potito, et al. 2009).
Child protection workers in the UK also found that the male abuser was invisible or absent during contact with the family, were not being recorded in case files, were frequently absent during assessments and not included in the intervention processes. If domestic violence was noted, any inaction was explained as not being a part of state intervention but is a private matter to be resolved by the couple. In addition, there was a tendency to regard breakdowns in the family as the woman’s private problem which she must resolve on her own. The interventions that do occur focus on the role of the woman as a mother and her responsibility for the protection of the children but not on her needs to deal with domestic violence. They found that women were held to different standards than men where women were held as the primary responsible individual for the child’s safe environment and the responsibility for ending the violence negating the male’s responsibility for perpetrating the abuse. Women were often given ultimatums to leave the home in order and keep her children or stay and lose them. Very often workers noted the outside child protection organizations the reluctance of women in domestic violence to seek assistance from child protection in fear of having their children removed from their care. (Humphreys & Absler, 2011)

“In a list of nine risk factors cited by a social worker’s report domestic violence was not mentioned, yet the woman had been assaulted and her house ‘trashed’ only a few days prior to the report for a child protection being written. The social worker had been shocked at the time at the level of damage that she saw when she visited the flat: the furniture had been ripped with a knife. Later, it came to light that the woman had been assaulted. The social worker said: I can’t imagine why it is not in the report. . . . I can only think that I didn’t think it is the type of thing that is relevant to the child protection particularly making decisions about care proceedings. They’re not interested in domestic violence” (Humphreys & Absler, 2011 p. 466)

“They [social workers] wanted my children . . . I was black and blue, being told that I was going to lose the most important thing and precious thing in my life. . . . I had to fight for three days and prove that I wasn’t having my husband back for me to keep my children (Denise)” (Humphreys & Absler, 2011 p. 466)

It is disturbing that “underlying discourses holds women accountable for their ‘failure to protect’ their children, and continues to ignore the impact of men’s violence on women and children or hold men responsible for their behaviour (Humphreys & Absler, 2011 p. 469). “While the majority of child care is still undertaken by women it is inevitable that they will be implicated if children receive inadequate or inappropriate care” and unfortunately “it is their caring role that remains under scrutiny” (Turney, D., 2000 p. 52)
Unfortunately mothers are both idealized and demonized and holding them exclusively responsible for a child’s care has lasting psychological consequences. In addition, studies clearly show that a woman’s inability to mother is often related to her own childhood traumatic events, and many times due to domestic violence. The effects of unrealistic cultural standards and ideas for women can be confronted by the social worker by developing a mothering narrative giving rise to a deeper appreciation of the conditions, a more accurate evaluation of a given child’s situation and allowing a mothers’ interpretation to become a meaningful component of the professional judgement (Davies, Krane, Collings, & Wexler, 2007).
It is also important as social worker to keep in mind that child welfare client’s perception of child abuse or good parenting may differ dramatically from those of child protection organizations. These differences can often be intensified by social class and race ability and age. Therefore in order for a child protection worker to understand a clients’ subjective experience of mothering and risk to the child, they must connect with women whose lives and world views may be considerably different from their own. There is no question that for child protection workers, the main focus is ensuring the safety and well-being of the children at risk. However too often child protection workers become blinded by the idea that the child is the primary client and leaving the issues and needs of the parents, which are often the cause of the intervention in the first place, as secondary (Davies et al. 2007).
instead of accusing blaming and demonizing the mother for the child’s welfare in domestic violence a safety plan might be adopted where the child protection worker explores the mother’s supports, options and available resources as well as who she can call, where she can go, and what other needs can be set in place to help thereby promoting her resilience (Davies et al. 2007).


Child welfare workers are faced with dichotomy of administering both care and control, being mandated to investigate child maltreatment and intervening the private lives of families when a child is at risk. Child protection workers know they may need to exercise their mandate in court by removing a mother’s children from her care using the very information a mother presented to her worker towards a case against her in court (Davies et al. 2007).
A child’s well being in turbulent and violent households who are known to Child protective services are predominantly affected by their relationship with their primary caregiver up to the age of 6. In their later years children the dependence on the primary caregiver weakens and is replaced by the growing influences of other adults and peers, thus at least partially mediating the effects of earlier domestic violence and buffered by new positive relationships (English, et al. 2003). This highlights the importance of ensuring a safe and loving haven for the children in alternative care if this becomes necessary.
There are several studies that show interventions and treatments that include the mother and or father in domestic violence greatly increases the likely hood of reducing both the parents and the child’s internalizing and externalizing difficulties with the most common interventions targeting emotional, cognitive and behavioral difficulties (Becker, et al. 2008).
“It is commonly held that children are best cared for in the context of their own families, and that substitute care often results in devastating effects. The broken attachments and recurring disruption endemic to long-term substitute care suggests that, where possible, it is better to support children in their homes. (Davies et al. 2007 p. 24)
Disagreements between social workers and their clients are common and resolving them is not easy because the child protection worker holds a position of power and authority in the relationship with their clients and must often make difficult and intrusive action for the safety of a child. The willingness of the child protection worker to develop familial and trusting relationships with clients is shadowed by the fear that if further invasive interventions are required, the interventions may be seen as a betrayal. Also a client’s powerlessness in these situations can induce further resistance to interventions which is further influenced when the court system becomes involved and dampening the relationship between child protection worker and the client (Davies et al. 2007).
Where child protection action and intervention requires more intrusive interventions, for example the placing the child in substitute care as well as the return to the home from substitute care, attending to the mothering narrative must remain central by exploring the emotional and material ramifications of the intervention and return of children which can a very traumatic for both mother and child giving rise to confusion, guilt, shame anger or even relief and happiness (Davies et al. 2007).



Devaney, J., 2008. Chronic child abuse and domestic violence: children and families with long-term and complex needs. Child & Family Social Work. 13, 4, p. 443-453.

English, D., Marshall, D., Stewart, A., 2003. Effects of Family Violence on Child Behavior and Health During Early Childhood. Journal of Family Violence. 18, 1, p. 43-57.

Kelly, L., Mullender, A., 2000.  Complexities and contradictions: Living with domestic violence and the UN convention on children's rights. International Journal of Children's Rights. 8, 3, p. 229-241

Lavergne, C., Damant, D., Clément, M., Bourassa, C., Lessard, G., Turcotte, P., 2011. Key decisions in child protection services in cases of domestic violence: maintaining services and out-of-home placement.  Child & Family Social Work. 16, 3, p. 353-363.

Potito, C., Day, A., Carson, E., O'Leary, P., 2009.  Domestic Violence and Child Protection: Partnerships and Collaboration. Australian Social Work. 62, 3, p. 369-387

Turney, D. 2000. The feminizing of neglect.  Child & Family Social Work. 5, 1, p. 47-56.

1 comment:

  1. I am doing a research on this topic and it seems very sad i cant believe that so many children suffer every day. I also decided to post an article in defense of children The Effects of Domestic Violence on the Mental Health of Children and Adolescents
