Sunday, 26 February 2012

Our Cuboards Are Empty And Im Hungry A Lot

Q: Our cupboards are empty most of the time and I get hungry a lot. Is everyone hungry like I am?
A: No not everyone is hungry but there are an awful lot of children and adults who don’t have enough to eat every day. Many people go to bed hungry, wake up hungry, go to school hungry and not have a lunch to bring with them. It is especially hard when you’re not able to have a breakfast yet still have to stay alert and focused when you get to school. Sometimes you feel grouchy and tired and you know it’s because you’re hungry but you are afraid to tell anyone because you’re embarrassed to tell your friends that you are poor.
Did you know that there are over 1 million kids in Canada who live in poverty and are always hungry? Hunger is that undeniable basic need and desire for food which usually comes with a physical aching and weakness because by the lack of food and nutrition. Hunger doesn’t care about your nationality, age, race, gender or anything else. Everyone needs food to survive and if we don’t eat enough we get hungry.
                There are many reasons for hunger in Canada. People on assistance programs often don’t receive enough money to pay for all their needs. Sometimes, even though our parents may work every day, they still don’t have enough money to pay for the rent, food, clothes, heat etc. Older people, who sometimes take care of us and don’t work anymore, can’t afford all the things that the children they look after need.  Sometimes our dad’s are gone and we live with our mother, brothers and sisters and it can be really hard for mothers to find jobs and still look after the children when there is no one else to help. Sometimes the food that parents are able to buy isn’t very nutritious and we are still hungry after eating. Sometimes the water and the food we eat are bad and not good for us so, we don’t eat as much or it makes us sick.
There are hungry people all over the world and it should not be that way. There are far too many children who are hungry in Canada today.

So what can you do?

Being hungry is no fun and it is not easy to get food when there is no money and your stomach is growling. There are no easy answers I can give you, but here are a few things that may be helpful and you could consider: 

  •         Start a garden in your yard or perhaps a community garden that every one helps to build and shares in the food that is produced. A lot of good nutritious food can be grown in a garden and it fun too.
  •         You could also plant fruit trees and berry bushes. A few seeds are usually easy to get from the fruit itself
  •          Soup kitchens such as the ones the Salvation Army set up are places where food is available when there is an empty cupboard in your house.
  •          Also there are food share and food bank organizations who have food available to those who need it
  •          Breakfast and lunch clubs at school are growing everywhere. If your school does not have one perhaps you can be the one who makes it happen in your school. Ask teachers and other students if they would be interested in helping you get one started in your school. I bet you’d be surprised how many people would help and, like you, how many other people would be glad to get breakfast every morning.
  •          There are also school and community organizations that provide snacks and drinks during the fun activities that they do and you get to meet new friends too.
  •          If your able, a part time job like a paper route allows for a few dollars to buy something when your stomach growls.
  •          Sometimes in volunteer work, lunches and snacks are provided. You can help others and get a good lunch at the same time.

Friday, 17 February 2012

My parents are getting a divorce. What does that mean to me?

Q: My parents have been fighting like crazy and now they tell me they are getting a divorce. What does that mean for me?

A: The quick answer is that it will cause some confusion in your life but you need to remember that your mother and father love you and their break up is not your fault.
                When parents feel that they can no longer live together, very often there is anger, arguments, yelling, name calling and often a lot of silence and loneliness in the house. This can be extremely difficult for the children who are the innocent victims of a break up. You may feel a variety of different emotions. You may feel sad because they are breaking up, angry that one of them may have done something wrong, or anxiety about what life will be like in the future. You may wonder where you will live, who you will live with and what that life will look like. This can be very overwhelming for anyone.
Sometimes parents will try to convince you that the other parent is bad or has done something wrong and try to get you on “their side”. They shouldn’t try to split your love between mother and father, but, don’t be afraid to ask questions and understand what is happening either. Parents make mistakes and they can say things sometimes that they don’t really mean. Asking questions can clarify what your parents really mean and help you to understand what is happening. You might not want to hear all the gory details, and that is probably best, but you also don’t want to be out of the picture and not know anything about what’s happening. Remember your parents love you but in a breakup or divorce they may be distracted with all that is going on. Remind them you are there and you want to be part of their lives.
It is also important not to hold in your feelings. Talk to your friends, or relatives and brothers and sisters about how you feel. Perhaps you know someone who has already experienced a breakup or divorce and you are able to talk to them to help you understand some of the things that are going on now and what you might expect in the future. They may also be able to give you some guidance as to what worked for them to get them through this difficult time. Most of all, they will understand what you’re going through.
Once a divorce or separate occurs there may be other people who show up around the house. Parents may date other people or start hanging out with people you have never met before. Although it is natural for your parents to want to move on with their life, it can be difficult for you to handle. When a mother or father brings home another partner it can really stir up conflicting feelings inside of you.
It is important to remember that your mother and father are always your mother and father and they will always love you. As they find new love in another partner you may find that their attention seems to be more towards their new partner and less towards you. At those times, let them know how you feel. Tell them you miss them and want to spend time with them. Sometimes we can get so caught up in our own lives that we forget who we care about and forget to show them we love them. It is important for both parents and children to be open with their feelings, care about each other and tell each other you love each other as often as you can!

Friday, 10 February 2012

Myths of Mental Illness

Myths about Mental Health
What is it?
Mental Illness includes a broad range of psychological or behavioral symptoms, which cause difficulties with an individual’s mental and emotional well-being, thereby reducing his or her capacity to cope with the demands and stress of daily life.

It is human nature to fear what we don’t understand. Since many people don’t understand mental illness, they fear it. Mental illness also carries a stigma (a mark or sign of disgrace), and that stigma prevents a significant number of people from seeking help. People use stigmatizing words like “crazy”“cuckoo,” “psycho,” “wacko” and “nutso.” Just as we wouldn’t mock someone for having a physical illness, we should not mock someone with a mental illness. The following are examples of some myths and facts:

Myth: Mental health problems do not affect children or youth. Any problems they have are just part of growing up.
Fact:  One in five children and youth struggle with their mental health. 70% of adult mental illness begins during childhood or adolescence.
In North America, roughly one in every 10 children and adolescents has a mental disorder severe enough to cause impairment. However, only about 20 per cent of these children receive needed treatment. Left untreated, these problems can get worse. Anyone talking about suicide should be taken very seriously.

Myth: It is the parents' fault if children suffer from mental health problems.
Fact:  Mental health disorders in children are caused by biology, environment, or a combination of both. They can be caused by genetics or biological factors such as a chemical imbalance or prenatal exposure to alcohol or drugs. They can also be the result of abusive or neglectful treatment or stressful events.

Myth: Children misbehave or fail in school just to get attention.
Fact:  Behavior problems can be symptoms of emotional, behavioral, or mental problems, rather than merely attention-seeking devices. These children can succeed in school with appropriate understanding, attention, and mental health services

Myth: It is normal for teens to be moody; teens don’t suffer from “real depression”.
 Fact:  Depression can affect people at any age or of any race, ethnic, or economic group. About 5 – 8 % of children are depressed at any one time.

Myth: People with a mental illness are ‘psycho’, mad and dangerous, and should be locked away.
Fact:   Most people who have a mental illness struggle with depression and anxiety. They have normal lives, but their feelings and behaviors negatively affect their day-to-day activities. Conduct disorders or acting out behaviors are consistently the primary reason for referral to a children's mental health agency.

Myth: People with a severe mental illness, such as schizophrenia, are usually dangerous and violent.
Fact:  Statistics show that the incidence of violence in people who have a brain disorder is not much higher than it is in the general population. Those suffering from a psychosis such as schizophrenia are more often frightened, confused and despairing than violent. People with mental illnesses are much more likely to be the victims of crime. You probably know someone with a mental illness and don't even realize it. The incidence of violence in schizophrenics is not much higher than in the general population.

Myth: Depression is a character flaw and people should just ‘snap out of it’.
Fact:  Research shows that depression has nothing to do with being lazy or weak. It results from changes in brain chemistry or brain function. Therapy and/or medication help people to recover. Depression is quite a common condition - about 15% of people will have a bout of severe depression at some point in their lives. However, the exact number of people with depression is hard to estimate because many people do not get help, or are not formally diagnosed. Women are twice as likely to suffer from depression as men, although men are far more likely to commit suicide. This may be because men are more reluctant to seek help for depression. Suffering in silence is not the answer - psychotherapy and/or medication have been shown to help.

Myth: Depression is a normal part of the aging process.
Fact:  It is not normal for older adults to be depressed. Signs of depression in older people include a loss of interest in activities, sleep disturbances and lethargy. Depression in the elderly is often undiagnosed, and it is important for seniors and their family members to recognize the problem and seek professional help.

Myth:  People with mental illness never get better.
  With the right kind of help, people with mental illnesses do recover and go on to lead healthy, productive lives. While the illness may not go away, the symptoms associated with it can be controlled.

Myth: Mental health problems are uncommon.
Fact:  Nearly 1 out of every 5 people in North America will have a diagnosable mental disorder within their lifetimes, according to the National Institute of Mental Health.

Myth:  Being suicidal means I'm crazy.
Fact:  Suicidal feelings are most often symptoms of depression or a related mood disorder. Feeling suicidal does not make you any more or less crazy than anybody else. Suicidal feelings go away once you begin to receive adequate care for your depression or other mood disorder. That's why it is so tragic when people actually succeed in taking their own lives... Had the person been receiving adequate treatment, they could be alive and feeling much less depressed and suicidal.

Myth: Psychiatric disorders are not true medical illnesses like heart disease and diabetes. People who have a mental illness are just "crazy."
Fact:  Brain disorders, like heart disease and diabetes, are legitimate medical illnesses. Research shows there are genetic and biological causes for psychiatric disorders, and they can be treated effectively.

Myth: Schizophrenia means split personality, and there is no way to control it.
Fact:  Schizophrenia is often confused with multiple personality disorder. Actually, schizophrenia is a brain disorder that robs people of their ability to think clearly and logically. The estimated 2.5 million Americans with schizophrenia have symptoms ranging from social withdrawal to hallucinations and delusions. Medication has helped many of these individuals to lead fulfilling, productive lives. About 1 of every 100 people develops schizophrenia; 1 of every 50 develops some other psychotic illness.

Myth: If you have a mental illness, you can will it away. Being treated for a psychiatric disorder means an individual has in some way "failed" or is weak.
Fact:  A serious mental illness cannot be willed away. Ignoring the problem does not make it go away, either. It takes courage to seek professional help.

Myth: Addiction is a lifestyle choice and shows a lack of willpower. People with a substance abuse problem are morally weak or "bad".
Fact:  Addiction is a disease that generally results from changes in brain chemistry. It has nothing to do with being a "bad" person. Over half of all alcoholics and drug addicts have a mental health problem. The most common are depression and anxiety disorders. Drugs and alcohol can be used as a way of dealing with emotional problems - treating the underlying problem can help with the addiction.

Myth: There's no hope for people with mental illnesses.
Fact:  There are more treatments, services, and community support systems than ever before, and more are in the works. People with mental illnesses lead active, productive lives.

Myth: I can't do anything for a person with mental illness.
Fact:  You can do a lot, starting with how you act and speak. You can create an environment that builds on people's strengths and promotes understanding. For example:

Myth: Mental illnesses don't affect me.
Fact:  Mental illnesses are surprisingly common; they affect almost every family in America. Mental illnesses do not discriminate—they can affect anyone.

Myth: Mental illness is the same as mental retardation.
Fact:  These are different conditions. Mental retardation is characterized by limitations in intellectual functioning and difficulties with certain daily living skills. In contrast, people with mental illnesses—health conditions that cause changes in a person's thinking, mood, and behavior—have varied intellectual functioning, just like the general population.

Myth: People with mental illnesses cannot tolerate the stress of holding down a job.
Fact:  All jobs are stressful to some extent. Anybody is more productive when there's a good match between the employee's needs and the working conditions, whether or not the worker has a mental health problem.

Myth: People with mental health needs, even those who have recovered, tend to be second-rate workers.
Fact:  Employers who have hired people with mental illnesses report good attendance and punctuality as well as motivation, good work, and job tenure on par with or greater than other employees. Studies by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) show that there are no differences in productivity when people with mental illnesses are compared to other employees. (Mental Health: A Report of the Surgeon General, 1999)

Myth: Mental health problems only happen to people who are poor and/or less intelligent
Fact:  Mental health problems affect everyone equally regardless of income, class, race, culture, or intelligence.  Studies actually show that most people with mental illness have average or above-average intelligence.

Myth: Autism is a devastating disorder that will stop someone from ever being able to function in society.
Fact:  Many people hear “autism” and imagine children who are permanently in their own world where they can’t talk or interact with anyone else, who throw tantrums for no apparent reason, and who will never be part of normal society. However, autism is called a spectrum disorder for a reason: autistics range from people who are unable to communicate in any way with others, all the way to people who live ordinary, productive lives and just seem a bit eccentric to the rest of us. Severe autism is not a life sentence, either. Even very low-functioning autistics can lead a perfectly happy life.

Myth: People who intentionally cut, burn, or otherwise injure themselves are either trying to kill themselves or looking for attention.
Fact:  Many people, particularly teenagers, who suffer from a variety of mental disorders cope with their inner pain by physically harming themselves, most commonly by cutting. No matter what it looks like, self-injury is not a failed suicide attempt. Some self-injurers harm themselves over and over for years without having a single injury that would threaten their life. Many people who self-injure are actually trying to avoid suicide by letting out their feelings in a (somewhat) safer way.
Most self-injurers actively try to hide their injuries by wearing long sleeves or pants, or by cutting in a place that is usually covered by clothing, like their upper thighs or stomach. Some self-injurers desperately want someone to find out about their behavior so they can get the help they need, but even many of them are too frightened of another person’s reactions, and ashamed of themselves.

Monday, 6 February 2012

Q: People make fun other people because of their skin or culture. Is that what Racism is?

Q: People make fun other people because of their skin or culture. Is that what Racism is?

A: Racism is the act of one group labelling another as an inferior people because of their skin colour or ethnic background and culture. It is prejudice and discrimination against people who belong to other races, a belief that people of different races have different qualities and abilities, and that some races are naturally superior or inferior. It is a way of behaving or thinking that shows that you do not like or respect people who belong to races that are different from your own and that you believe your race is better than others
Canada prides itself in the vast diversity of our population and everyone tries to live together happy and peacefully, but sometimes the differences between different races and cultures are met with resistance by some people. Sometimes, instead of celebrating and learning about the differences between us, some people because of learned prejudices and fear or myths of a culture they don’t understand, can do and say very hurtful things.
Racism can have a terrible effect on us. We can become lonely, isolated, sad, angry or depressed, makes us feel degraded and unwanted which can lower our self-confidence and self esteem. Everyone, including those we call minorities, can be racist. Racism hurts everyone, causes division and violence and separates us from our international brothers and sisters. Sometime it seems easier just to avoid situations where you expect to racism to happen. You might stay home from school, or avoid certain places but that won’t stop it, and it will only make you feel worse.
Racism is difficult to overcome but the first and most important thing to do is to simply recognizing that it exists. We tend to become automatic in our daily thoughts and behaviours and sometimes don’t even realize we contribute to racism. Racism is an ugly word, especially when we are accused of it and it can hard to take an honest look at yourself and admit that you are prejudiced. Those who are racist many times feel they are not, simply because they never feel the effects of it. They are in the dominant group who don’t experiences prejudice or discrimination base on their race, color, sex, religion, ethnicity etc.
A good way of starting to break down prejudices is to learn more about other cultures and traditions. Many racist opinions and stereotypes come from ignorance and fear of the unknown. Once someone becomes familiar and you learn more about their race and culture, the differences and labels we applied to them seem to disappear. We start to accept and love people for who they are and the diversity they offer in enriching our own lives.

"[People] hate each other because they fear each other, and they fear each other because they don't know each other, and they don't know each other because they are often separated from each other."
Dr. Martin Luther King

No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than it’s opposite.
Nelson Mandela

What are some of the terms associated with racism and prejudice?

Prejudice is a negative belief, opinion or attitude held by one person or group about another person or group which is based on inadequate and incorrect knowledge, irrational fears and feelings, or inaccurate stereotypes.

Discrimination is the action or physical behaviour of denying equal treatment that results from prejudiced thoughts and attitudes.

Oppression is the act of suppressing, mistreating, dominating and controlling a group using physical, psychological, social or economic threats or force, by the dominant social group.

Marginalization is the process of being left out, or prevented from having attention or power and pushed to the side as a social group. 

A Minority is a group of people within a society that is different and smaller in population or power then the dominant or larger population or group of that area. In Canada, that typically refers people who are not of the dominant white group. 

Social Justice is the action and the belief that every individual and group within our society is to be given equal opportunity and treated fairly in our country and communities.  

What can I do about racism?

-          Talk about it - Not talking about it won’t make it go away – it just get locked up inside us and forgotten about unexamined and left on automatic
-          Racism is not natural – it is learned so we must examine ourselves and help others do the same to find out its roots
-          Remember that racism is wrong and should not be tolerated. You have every right to be treated with kindness fairness and with respect like everyone else.
-          Racism is common so don’t think you are alone. When racism occurs, tell someone like a friend, a teacher or other person you trust and let others know that you need help and support.
-          Talk to your parents and be open about your feelings and encourage them to do the same
-          Be sure that you stay safe. Walk and hang out with others you know and trust
-          Don’t be discouraged! Look for others who are willing to help stop racism.
-          Look for accurate knowledge about your racial and cultural identity and have pride in it
-          Look for accurate knowledge and appreciation of other racial groups and cultures and have pride in them.
-          Try to understand how racism works and what you can do to challenge it.

Tolerance is an attitude of openness and respect for the differences among people. It means valuing differences, bridging cultural gaps, rejecting unfair stereotypes, discovering common ground, and creating new bonds. But does tolerance mean that all behaviours are acceptable. It means that we should not disrespect or hurt others, but should accept people for who they are. Tolerance also means treating others the way you would like to be treated regardless of the difference we may see, hear or observe in their behaviour.
Similarly when we celebrate the differences of others that doesn't mean we should abandon our own heritage. You should be proud of yourself, your family and all of your cultural and religious traditions.
It is important to learn about, to live among, work and become friends with people whose race, religion, or culture may be different from their own. By doing so we become better people learning new cultures and traditions that enhance our own
We need to speak openly about similarities and differences between people, so that we are not surrounded by fear and false superstitious myths of the old days. By recognizing and talking about discrimination, we will help to end it. By encouraging each other to reach across racial, ethnic, cultural or religious lines, we will lead richer, fuller lives and to recognize the humanity and singularity of the human race and all people.